techUK Local Digital Index 2024
Project Description
techUK is looking to commission the production and publication of the 2024 iteration of the Local Digital Index and report to show the strength of regional tech ecosystems across the United Kingdom
techUK’s Local Digital Index was first published in 2020 during the Covid19 pandemic. It was clear the pandemic would have lasting effects on the economy and particularly the digital economy. techUK undertook to find out what makes up a strong tech ecosystem and conducted a number of ‘digital dialogues’ with members, partners, stakeholders and others from across government, the public and private sector. This process found a number of indicators that could be used to assess the relative strength of a regional tech ecosystem.
This yielded a further request to use data to draw this information together, further strengthen the analysis and make policy suggestions for Government (local, devolved and national) as well as private sector partners as to on how tech ecosystems can be improved, grown and strengthened.
techUK's Local Digital Capital Index was born (renamed Local Digital Index in 2023).
The Index should be a tool to aid policy makers and a way to see the impact and value of the tech sector for the national and regional economies. The Index should highlight strengths and providing direction for future development, projects and interventions as well as providing data that can aid learning and collaboration between regions and localities.
Process and timelines
We would expect the project to take 4-5months from commissioning. techUK's Nations and Regions (N&R) team and N&R Council will draw together a working group to aid the creation of the Index, assess progress and provide feedback.
techUK would look to have:
1x Index data that maps against the 7 components measured in 2023 and across all ITL1 and ITL2 areas
1x Mapping tool allow for regional comparison
1x Report referencing Index data, regions and recommendations written with techUK
Costs for each element of the Index project should be itemised as techUK may be commission some elements rather than all depending on costs, budgets and timelines
techUK would welcome discussion with the successful commissioning partner on new or additional data sets including ‘local’ data working with Combined Authorities (including creating national standards on components that others could follow).
The 2024 Index should maintain and retain elements such as measuring the 7 components measured in 2023, data and data sources being shared in publication (public, open and transparent data), include all ITL1 and ITL2 regions and retain a digital GVA figure for each region.
The report should look to spotlight three regions and 3 potential international comparator states/regions or countries.
The Index, mapping and report will be cobranded with techUK and any potential sponsor’s alongside the successful commissioning partner.
And techUK will look to hold a publication and discussion event in December 2024 (location TBC) alongside and in conjunction with the successful commissioning partner and any event sponsors.
Up to £25-35,000 total
techUK would welcome discussion on each output to understand and plan for sufficient budget to be allocated to each and for techUK members to ‘sponsor’ some or all of the Index
Timeline for the tendering process
Tender open – 20 June 2024
Queries and clarifications window – 20 to 4 July 2024
Applications window – 4 July 2024 to 18 July
Tender award response – w/c 22 July 2024
Delivery – November 2024
Published and launch – December 2024

Matt Robinson
Matt is techUK’s Head of Nations and Regions.